Detouring Dads Join Us!
Released on = June 6, 2007, 8:36 pm
Press Release Author = Detours and OnRamps
Industry = Human Resources
Press Release Summary = Detours & OnRamps Forum Expands Beyond "Working Moms"
Press Release Body = BERKELEY HEIGHTS, NJ, June 2, 2007 - Detours & OnRamps, a conference designed to address the needs of mothers planning to return to the workplace, has expanded to include men who have detoured in their careers and who are considering "on-ramping". The decision was made in response to inquiries by stay-at-home dads and men trying to achieve the elusive "balance" in their lives. The conference agenda, though initially inspired by issues facing many mothers planning to return to a career after time off, offers many sessions that are applicable to anyone evaluating the path of their career-from sessions on practical things you can do to keep your resume relevant, to panels lead by some of the leading companies in the marketplace today who are making work-life satisfaction a priority. "We created this conference to address a need we, as working mothers, saw in the marketplace," said Meghan McCartan, one of the conference's co-founders. "But as we talk about the event with people we're struck by the interest from people we hadn't originally, and younger "Gen-Y" women who don't have children but who are planning to do so. The workplace has changed, and is changing. I think everyone's trying to do the best they can to make work, work for them and for their families. And the companies that lead the way are going to be the most successful and best able to retain talent in the next several years". It's difficult to get exact numbers on the percentage of stay-at-home dads out there today-and certainly, many men may face a different set of challenges in returning to the workforce, when and if they decide to do so. Women who are out of the workforce for 2+ years often face a salary drop, a reduced-responsibility position, and other hurdles. Men and women may also have different reasons for going back to work; there is certainly a financial element involved in everyone's decision, but about 50% of women return to work largely to feel "included and in touch".that may not be the case for many men. Nevertheless, the Detours and OnRamps Forum was, and is, designed as a practical resource for anyone thinking of getting back into the a month, 6 months, a year. Whether your goal is to return and take advantage of a flex-time situation, or to return full time-this conference will offer guidelines, suggestions, and anecdotal evidence from many who have successfully "on-ramped" back to their old career-or followed a passion and turned a hobby into a new career. These days, careers rarely follow a straight line-instead, "career pathing"-following several different avenues at different times"-seems more the norm. "Our goal is for everyone to leave feeling like they have options, and solutions" says the event's other co-founder, Kirsten Ly. "The workplace is changing and options exist.and most importantly, no one should feel alone!" About the Conference The Detours and On Ramps Forum ( is a one-day conference designed to address the needs and issues of mothers evaluating their decisions to work full time, part time, or from home. Through networking with fellow working mothers, discussions with the companies leading the way in solutions for working mothers, expert panels, and sessions on some of the most common questions working mothers face, the Detours and OnRamps Forum provides an opportunity for women to meet and examine their choices. The conference is designed as a practical resource for working mothers, working women considering motherhood, and mothers taking some time off from a career but planning to re-join the workforce in some form. Conference co-founder (and working mother) Meghan McCartan said, "In looking for resources and answers, we found a notable lack of solutions on what is clearly a hot topic of discussion. And so the solutions were up to us." ###
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